• 在他们的相关物品中,该物质的质量百分比高于0.1%。
• 这种物质存在于这些相关物品中,每年的总量超过一吨。
Producers and importers have to notify to ECHA the substances listed on the Candidate list which are present in their articles, if both the following conditions are met:
• The substance is present in their relevant articles above a concentration of 0.1% weight by weight.
• The substance is present in these relevant articles in quantities totalling over one tonne per year.
Companies have to notify no later than six months after the inclusion of the substance in the Candidate List.
• 物品的生产商或进口商可以在正常或合理可预见的物品使用条件下,包括物品的处置条件下,排除人类和环境接触该物质。在这种情况下,生产商和进口商将向物品的接受者发出适当的指示。
• 该物质已经由欧盟的制造商或进口商注册用于该用途。
There are two cases when a notification will not need to be required.
• The producer or importer of an article can exclude the exposure of humans and the environment to the substance during normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use of the article, including its disposal. In these cases, the producers and importers will give appropriate instructions to the recipient of the article.
• The substance has already been registered by a manufacturer or importer in the EU for that use.
• 生产商信息和联系方式
• 物质信息及其注册号(如果有)
• 通知物品中物质的吨位范围
• 物品中物质的用途和物品用途的简要说明
• 物质的分类信息
• The information you need to submit consists of the identity and contact details of your company
• the identity of the substance and its registration number, if available the tonnage range of the substance in the notified article(s)
• a brief description of the use(s) of the substance in the article(s) and of the uses of the article(s)
You are advised to update your notification if the information previously notified has undergone changes. Examples of such changes could be: change in tonnage range, production/import of different articles, etc.
Non-confidential data on candidate list substances in articles which are available for consumer use on the EU market are published on the ECHA website.
• 在REACH-IT中在线准备您的通知
1. 登录到REACH-IT,选择“提交档案”(登录页面或菜单)
2. 从档案类型列表中选择“物品中的物质”
3. 选择上传IUCLID档案,或者在REACH-IT中在线准备通知
4. 按照向导的说明提交通知
Submitting your notification
The substance in articles notifications are submitted via REACH-IT.
Before submission, there are two possibilities to prepare your notification:
• Preparing your notification online in REACH-IT
This method is recommended for all notification submitters, especially those who are not familiar with IUCLID.
• Preparing and uploading a IUCLID dossier to REACH-IT
This method is recommended for notification submitters who are already users of IUCLID, as well as for those who also want to report a different substance identification, composition, or classification and labelling information. Please use this method, if you wish to claim some of the notified information as confidential, in addition to information which is always treated as confidential (see Article 118 of REACH). To prepare your IUCLID dossier, you can find a detailed description in the Manual - How to prepare a substance in articles notification.
You must have an active REACH-IT account to be able to submit your notification.
1. Log in to REACH-IT and select “Submit a dossier” (landing page or menu)
2. Select from the list of dossier types “Substance in articles”
3. Select either to upload a IUCLID dossier, or to prepare your notification online in REACH-IT
4. Submit your notification by following the wizard instructions
Once your notification has been submitted in REACH-IT, you can follow its submission status using the submissions or substances pages in REACH-IT. The update of your notification needs to be initiated from the reference number page in REACH-IT.