来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-09-01 | 437 次浏览 | 分享到:




• 根据REACH第57条和59条,该物质被认定为高关注度物质(参见第2.1节“主要定义”中的“高关注度物质”)并被包含在授权候选清单中。 

• 根据O5A原则计算,该物质在物品中的浓度高于0.1%(w/w)。 


General requirements Art. 

33 REACH requires that the supplier of an article  (see definition in Chapter 2.1) communicates sufficient  information to the recipient on CL substances to allow  safe use of the article. As a minimum the name of the CL  substance must be included; any available additional  information should also be provided if relevant to safe  use. Communication requirements apply to substances in  articles meeting all of the following criteria: 

• The substance is identified as of very high concern  according to Art. 57 & 59 REACH (see Chapter 2.1  “Main Definitions” for “SVHC”) and included in the CL  for authorisation. 

• The substance is present in the article at a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w), calculated according to the O5A principle.

There are no exemptions to the Art. 33 communication  duties if the above criteria are met; i.e. the duties apply  even if the parts do not discharge substances into the environment, and the duties apply to any amount of CL  substance, with no minimum tonnage threshold.



» 留存零件适用于REACH第33条(见附录 L7) 

» 包装是物品或物品组成的复杂物件,因此如果其所含候选清单物质超过0.1% w/ w的限值,则需要进行信息传递。 

» 仅供运输且由客户退回的包装不受第 33.1条影响。 

» 在您进行业务过程中可能分销的其他销售点或营销材料也被视为物品,因此需要再次考虑候选清单物质的存在。 

» 第33条不适用于包含在或整合于物品或者复杂物件中的配制品。 


Scope of Art. 33 Communication 

» Legacy parts are within the scope of Art. 33  REACH (see Annex L7). 

» Packaging is either an article or a complex object  made of articles, and so the presence of a CL substance in packaging needs to be communicated if  it exceeds the 0.1% w/w limit. 

» Packaging which is only provided for transport  and is given back by the customer is not affected  by Art. 33.1. 

» Other promotional point of sale or marketing materials you may distribute in the course of your  business are also considered as articles, and so  the presence of a CL substance again needs to be  considered. 

» Mixtures contained or integrated in an article or  complex object are not covered by Art. 33.

对专业客户的信息传递 (REACH第33.1条) 


• 一旦物质被列入候选清单,主动向专业客户告知候选清单物质。 

• 专业客户包括(但不限于)经销商、车队管理人员、公司车主(已购买车辆)。不拥有车辆的公司车辆驾驶员不是专业客户。 

• 向客户提供相关信息的链接就足够了。购买备件时汽车行业通常使用在线目录,并且合适的候选清单物质的信息在部件号旁边显示。此信息应进行更新以响应保持批量生产的物品或者复杂物件的候选清单的更改。

Communication to professional customers (Art. 33.1 REACH) 

For Art. 33.1 REACH the information on CL substances  contained in the article has to be provided automatically  to the business-to-business recipient of the article. The following key messages of Art. 33.1 REACH can be  summarised as follows: 

• Professional customers are to be informed of CL substances automatically as soon as the substance has  been included on the CL. 

• Professional customers include (but are not limited  to) dealerships, fleet management, company vehicle  owners (who have bought the vehicle). A company  vehicle driver who does not own the vehicle is not a  professional customer. 

• It would be sufficient to provide the customer with a  direct link to the relevant information. An online catalogue is normally used by the AI when spare parts  are purchased and CL substance information displayed next to the part number would be appropriate. This information should be updated in response to CL  changes for articles or complex objects that remain in  series production. 

对消费者进行信息传递 (REACH第33.2条) 

REACH第33.2条规定,物品中物质的信息传递要求必须按照要求延伸至每个消费者。必须在收到请求后45天之内将信息免费提供给消费者。这种情况下,消费者不需要已经是物品的接收方。同样在实践中,所讨论的“物品”包 括由多种物品组成的复杂物件。 

Communication to consumers  (Art. 33.2 REACH) Art. 

33.2 REACH states that the requirement to  communicate information on substances in articles  must extend to any consumer upon request. The  information must be provided to the consumer free of  charge within 45 days of receipt of the request. The  consumer in this case does not need to already be a  recipient of the article in question. Also in practice, the  “article” in question includes complex objects made up  of multiple articles.

安全使用信息的提供 (REACH第33.1条和第33.2条) 

如果您提供的物品(单独物品或作为复杂物件的一部分,例如汽车或者汽车的一部分)中的候选清单物质超过0.1% w/w限值,您必须确保您提供所获得的信息足以保证在任何后续生命周期阶段安全使用该物品。 

要评估可能需要什么安全使用信息,您通常应考虑: 汽车物品下游供应链中制造或装配操作; 

• 专业用户或消费者对车辆/部件的使用; 

• 车辆/部件的维护和修理; 

• 车辆/部件的再利用、再制造、回收或废弃处置。 


Provision of safe use information  (Art. 33.1 & 33.2 REACH) 

Where a CL substance in an article that you supply  (either on its own or as part of a complex object,  such as a vehicle or vehicle part) exceeds the 0.1%  w/w threshold, you must ensure that you provide  information available to you to ensure the safe use of  the article in any subsequent life cycle phases.

• Manufacturing or assembly operations in the article’s  downstream supply chain; 

• Use of the vehicle/part by a professional user or consumer; 

• Maintenance and repair of the vehicle/part; 

• Reuse, remanufacturing, recycling or disposal of the  vehicle/part.

You should also consider what safe use information is  available to you, including safe use information that  may have been provided to you by your supplier, as well as information known to your technical experts and  product safety specialists. You do not have to provide all  the information that is available to you, but you do have  to provide any of the available information that remains relevant to the safe use of the article that you place on  the market.

最后,您应该考虑有关您已提供给客户的车辆/部件的安全使用信息,例如车主手册、零件服务/维修说明以及废弃处置/拆解信息。 每个连续供应商将产品投放到市场以确定已存在的产品信息是否已经足以确保含有候选清单物质的物品的安全使用,在这种情况下,应参考现有信息,那么提供候选清单物质的名称就 足以履行REACH第33条规定的义务。如果在上述任何生命周期阶段,需要更多的信息确保安全使用,那么除了候选物质清单的名称,还须添加这些信息。 

Finally, you should take into account safe use  information about the vehicle/part that you already  make available to your customers, such as vehicle  owner manuals, part service/repair instructions, and  disposal/dismantling information.  It is up to each successive supplier who places a  product on the market to determine if the existing  product information is already sufficient to ensure  safe use of the article that contains the CL substance,  in which case reference should be made to the existing  information, and then it is sufficient to provide the  name of the CL substance in order to fulfil obligations  under Art. 33 REACH. If further information is needed to  ensure safe use, in any of the life cycle phases named  above, then this information must be added in addition  to the name of the CL substance.

汽车行业通常不建议提供每一个含有的候选清 单物质的物品的名称和产地,因为我们认为此类信息一方面不会提高安全使用信息的有效性,另一方面由于很多零部件的名称模糊,对受影响物品的确认没有帮助,因此零部件的名称不会实际有效。如果需要其他特定的安全使 用信息,在这种例外情况,可能需要复杂物件中物品的名称和产地,以清楚地标识该物品的安全使用。 


The AI does not generally recommend providing the  name or location of each article that contains a CL  substance, since we consider that such information  neither contributes to the effectiveness of the safe use  information, nor is the component part name actually  useful, since many component names are obscure and  would not actually help to identify the affected article.  An exception would be if additional specific safe use  information were required, in which case the name of  the article as well as its location in the complex object  may be required to clearly identify that article for safe  use. 

The following diagram shows the flow of specific safe  use information (SUI) down a simplified supply chain.

提供第33条信息没有指定格式,但本指南附录 M1、M2和M3中提供的模板可能对提供一致和足够的信息很有用。 

There is no required format for providing Art. 33 information, but the templates provided in Annex M1,  M2 & M3 to this Guideline may prove useful for providing consistent and sufficient information.

为整车提供第33条信息时,通常不能为每个车辆配置提供该信息(即通过车辆识别号或 VIN)。因此汽车行业建议根据主要零件清单 (通常称为150%材料清单)提供该情况下的信息。 

When Art. 33 information is provided for a whole  vehicle, it will not usually be feasible to provide that  information for each vehicle configuration (i.e. by  Vehicle Identification Number or VIN). Therefore the  AI recommends providing the information in this case  based on the master parts list (often known as the  150% bill of materials).

所提供的第33条安全使用信息应该使用接收物品的客户当地的欧洲经济区语言撰写。然而, 汽车行业认为没必要对通过IMDS收集的数据 进行翻译,除非物品需要特定安全使用信息。 


• 复印件,例如在车辆或部件出售时附加信息表;

• 电子通信途径,例如向客户提供直接获取信息的网址。

Where provided, Art. 33 safe use information should  be made available in the local EEA language of the  customer receiving the article. However, the AI does not believe that it will be necessary to translate the data collected via IMDS, except in the cases where specific  safe use information is required for an article. Where needed, safe use information may be provided  by: 

• Hard copy, for example by adding information sheets  with the vehicle or parts when they are sold; or 

• By electronic means, for example by providing a web  site with the information directly accessible to your  customers.

