来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-31 | 530 次浏览 | 分享到:

• 通报者身份(即物品的生产商或进口商), 即姓名、详细联系信息(REACH-IT账户及 IUCLID第1.1部分); 

• 通报者身份及在供应链中的角色(IUCLID第 1.1部分) 

• 物质的识别信息,即:物质名称、EC 号、CAS号、物质类型及物质成分(IUCLID 第1.1和1.2部分):本信息通过预填物质数据集提供;候选清单物质的注册号(如有) (IUCLID第1.3部分); 

• 根据CLP标准的候选清单物质的分类(IUCLID第2.1部分):本信息通过预填物质数据集提供; 

• 物品中物质的吨位,即:1-10吨/年、10- 100吨/年、100-1000吨/年或≥1000吨/年 (IUCLID第3.2部分); 

• 通报者的生产地址,必须由成品生产者而不是成品进口商填写(IUCLID 5第3.3部分) ;

物品中物质的用途(技术功能)(IUCLID第 3.5部分)或物品用途(IUCLID第3.4和3.5 部分)的简单描述。 关于如何通过使用IUCLID进行通报的更多信息,可以参阅ECHA手册中“如何准备物品中物质的通报” 10162/22308542/manual_subs_in_art_ notif_en.pdf 

• Identity of the notifier (i.e. the producer or importer  of articles), i.e. name, contact details (REACH-IT account and IUCLID section 1.1); 

• Identity of the notifier and role in the supply chain (IUCLID section 1.1); 

• Identification of the substance, i.e. substance name,  EC number, CAS number, type of substance and substance composition (IUCLID sections 1.1 and 1.2):  this information is provided in the pre-filled substance dataset; the registration number of the CL  substance, if available (IUCLID section 1.3); 

• Classification of the CL substance according to the  CLP criteria (IUCLID section 2.1): this information is  provided in the pre-filled substance dataset; 

• Tonnage band of the substance contained in the article(s), i.e. 1-10 tpa, 10-100 tpa, 100-1000 tonnes or  ≥1000 tpa (IUCLID section 3.2); 

• Production site of the notifier, to be filled only by producers of articles, not by importers of articles (IUCLID  section 3.3); 

• Brief description of the use(s) of the substance(s) in  the article (technical function) (IUCLID section 3.5)  and of the uses of the article(s) (IUCLID section 3.4  and 3.5).

Further information on how to notify by using IUCLID can be found in the ECHA Manual “How to prepare a substance in articles notification” 22308542/manual_subs_in_art_notif_en.pdf


• 对于在2010年12月1日前被纳入候选清单的高关注度物质,必须于2011年6月1日前向欧洲化学品管理局进行通报; 

• 对于在2010年12月1日后加入候选清单的高关注度物质,需在加入后的6个月内进行通报。 


• For an SVHC placed on the CL before 1 Dec 2010, notification had to be made to ECHA by 1 June 2011; 

• For an SVHC included on the CL after 1 Dec 2010 notification is required no later than 6 months after the  CL inclusion and after exceeding the 1 tpa threshold.


• 2011年6月1日前的首批通报依据2010年12 月1日的候选清单进行。 

• 吨位必须按照物质被纳入授权候选清单的日历年的后一日历年进行计算。 

• 对于候选中清单物质浓度大于0.1% w/w的物品,只有物质未在该用途下进行过注册且使用量达到1吨/年时才会触发通报。 

• 物质被纳入授权候选清单后,如果当年未达到1吨/年的限值,则应自下年度1月1日起从“零”开始重新计算。 

• 按照REACH第7.7条的规定,当物质被加入候选清单且每个法律实体(生产商或进口商)对物品中物质(生产或进口)总量超过1吨每年时,通报者需要在6个月内进行通 报。 

• 对于第7条规定的通报,每个法律实体对每种物质只需通报一次,而无需每年都进行通报。 

• 如果物质的吨数范围改变,必须对通报进行更新。 

• 相同法人实体进口或制造的相同候选清单物质的数量应按照总吨数计算。 

• 如果候选清单物质只有部分用途进行了注册,必须为通报计算非注册用途的数量。 更多详细信息请参阅REACH第7条、第57条和第59条以及欧洲化学品管理局的“物品 中物质要求指南”( documents/10162/23036412/articles_en.pdf).

Working assumptions of the TF-REACH 

• First notification prior to 1 June 2011 was made on  the basis of the CL version of 1 Dec 2010. 

• The tonnage has to be calculated for the calendar  year after the calendar year in which the substance  appeared on the CL for authorisation. 

• The notification of articles that contain a CL substance above a concentration of 0.1% w/w is triggered  when 1 tpa is reached per substance per legal entity  for all uses of the substance that are not registered  uses. 

• In case the 1 tpa is not reached during the year after  the substance appeared on the CL for authorisation,  the calculation starts again on January 1 following  year, starting with “zero”. 

• According to Art. 7.7 REACH, the notifier has to notify  within 6 months after a substance is published on the  CL and the substance is present in those articles in  quantities totalling over 1 tonne per legal entity (producer or importer) per year. 

• Art. 7 notification has to be done only once per CL  substance per substance per legal entity, not every  year. 

• If the tonnage range changes, the notification has to  be updated. 

• The quantities of the same CL substance in both imported and manufactured articles for the same legal  entity have to be summed up for the tonnage calculation. 

• If only a part of the uses of a CL substance can be  found registered, the quantities of non-registered  uses must be calculated for the notification. For more details on refer to Art. 7, 57 and 59 REACH and ECHA’s “Guidance on requirements for substances in articles” ( documents/10162/23036412/articles_en.pdf).

