来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-27 | 342 次浏览 | 分享到:

除通过安全数据表外,REACH未提供其他关于用途注册的信息源,但是,由于年制造量或进口量大于或等于10吨的物质在注册时必须提供确认用途信息,因此下游用户必须确认其物质用途包含在注册中,以保证其业务的持续性。 因此强烈建议下游用户查看可用的数据,以确认其物质用途和相应的使用操作条件是否包含在注册中,从而避免无法继续使用物质或失去供应商。为达此目的,可采用以下三种方式: 

REACH does not provide other information sources on  the registration of uses apart from via an SDS, but as  registration of substances ≥10 tpa has to include the identified use information, DUs have to make sure  that their uses are included in the registration, in  order to guarantee business continuity. It is therefore  strongly recommended that DUs check the available  data to find out whether their use of a substance and  the corresponding operational conditions of use are  covered in the registration in order to avoid substance  or supplier loss. Below are three possible ways to  accomplish this:



Option 1

Ask for identified uses according to the DUCC “UseR  template”. (


• 下游用户可了解其物质的确认用途是否包含在用途描述符中,并可以及时做出反应以告知其供应商。 

• 采用这种方式不会为下游用户带来任何义务。 

• 不用通过安全数据表即可获得信息。 


• DU will see whether the identified uses are covered  by the use descriptors and can react in time to make  these uses known to the supplier. 

• There are no resulting DU obligations such as under  the following option. 

• The information is available independently of the SDS.


• 下游用户协调组模板较难处理。 

• 信息通常不详尽,不能用于员工或环境保护。 

• 在后续阶段,因为必须要收集安全数据表, 这种信息将显多余。 


• Difficult handling of the DUCC template.  

• Information is often incomplete and cannot be used  for worker or environmental protection. 

• At a later stage, information will become redundant  because the SDS has to be collected anyway.



Option 2

Collect SDSs for ALL supplied substances & mixtures  (not only for hazardous).


• 注册后公布的安全数据表包含注册号及所有的注册用途。这需要到2018年才能实现。因 为在大多数公司的安全数据表处理过程都经过精心设计,所以可利用收到的安全数据表查看其所含的用途。 

• 收集的信息也是制定物质清单的基础,对履行工作场所和环境保护义务非常重要。 

• REACH第32条的零散信息已包含在安全数据表中,因此无需再收集。 


• The registration numbers as well as all registered  uses are included in the SDS, once the revised SDS  has been issued after registration. This can be as late  as 2018. As the process of SDS handling is usually  well established in most companies, it would be possible to check in the received SDS whether the uses  are covered.  

• The collected information is also the basis for a substance inventory, necessary to fulfil obligations on  workplace and environmental protection. 

• No unstructured Art. 32 REACH-based information is  necessary as it is already covered in the SDS.


• 无论其物质或配制品的潜在风险状况如何, 接收方在收到安全数据表后,都必须采取其中规定的风险管理措施(REACH第37.5(a) 条)并履行信息传递义务,这会为接收方带来额外的负担。

• 按照REACH第34条的规定,下游用户应对安全数据表的内容进行大致的真实性检查( 参见本指南附录Q),如果其风险管理措施不符合安全数据表的规定,下游用户应通过上游向其供应商报告。 

• 另外,安全数据表制定完成后,编制者必须及时进行更新,这将为编制者及接收方带来额外负担。 


• Once an SDS is received, the recipient has, independently of the potential risk of a substance or  mixture, the obligation to apply the RMMs mentioned  therein (Art. 37.5.a REACH) and to fulfil the communication obligations which could lead to additional burden on the receiver side.  

• As a consequence of Art. 34 REACH, a DU is obliged to  make a short general plausibility check (see Annex Q  to this Guideline) of the SDS content and to report upstream to his supplier if his own RMMs are deviating  from those given in the SDS.

• In addition, once an SDS has been provided, the creator has the obligation to keep this SDS updated,  which could lead to additional burden on the creator and receiver side.

注 :



As there is no legal obligation, you would have to put  additional requirements into your supplier contracts/ purchasing conditions.

