来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-27 | 389 次浏览 | 分享到:


The DU must compare the RMM in a risk assessment with the recommended risk management measures,  as indicated in the SDS communicated or supplied in accordance with Art. 32 REACH. Any differences can  lead to further obligations.


• 发现了关于有害性的新信息,无论其用途是什么。 

• 发现了其他可能对安全数据表中确定的风险管理措施的适当性产生疑问的信息,这类信息应针对确认用途进行信息传递(REACH第 34条)。 

According to Art. 34 REACH any actor in the supply chain of a substance or a mixture also has the obligation to communicate to the next actor up the supply chain, if:

• New information on hazardous properties is discovered, regardless of the use. 

• Any other information is discovered that might call  into question the appropriateness of the RMM identified in the SDS supplied, and this must be communicated for identified uses (Art. 34 REACH).

雇主必须允许员工获取在安全数据表中提供的信息和根据REACH第32条规定的他们在工作中使用或可能暴露的物质或配制品的信息 (REACH第35条)。 

Workers must be granted access by their employers to  the information provided in the SDS and in accordance  with Art. 32 REACH on substances or mixtures that they use or may be exposed to during their work (Art. 35  REACH).

一般来说,下游用户、制造商、进口商及经销商必须至少保存其在履行REACH义务时所收集的信息10年。如有要求,须立即将这类信息提供给成员国主管机构或欧洲化学品管理局。 (REACH第36条) 

Generally the DUs, as well as manufacturers, importers  and distributors must keep the information gathered  for the purpose of fulfilling their duties under REACH  available for a period of at least 10 years. This  information must be made available without delay and  upon request to Member State’s Competent Authority or  ECHA (Art. 36 REACH).


对于根据REACH规定无需提供的信息,其他法规可能要求提供(如CLP、其他健康和安 全法规等)。 关于供应链/用途信息传递的实用信息,REACH法规未作详尽说明。更多信息, 请参见以下行业指南文件:


Information that is not required under REACH might  be required by other legal obligations (e.g. CLP, other Health and Safety regulations etc.).  Practical information on communication in the supply  chain/use is not thoroughly explained in the REACH Regulation. Further information is given in the following guidance documents: guidance-on-reach

