来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-27 | 396 次浏览 | 分享到:

收集所有法规要求的物质和配制品的安全数据表,以及与安全数据表相似但法规未规定使用安全数据表的信息。 对于法规未规定需要制定安全数据表的物质和配制品,应向供应商索取安全信息,这类信 的内容与格式与安全数据表相同,但其名称不是安全数据表。 

Collect SDSs for all substances & mixtures where  legally required plus SDS-like information for those  where no SDS is legally required.In the case of substances and mixtures where no SDS is  legally required ask your supplier for safety information,  having the same content and format as the SDS but  without naming it SDS.


• 满足法定要求且保持现有的IT系统。 

• 参见上述选项2中的优点。 

• 无上述缺点 


• You fulfil the legal requirements and remain in the existing IT systems. 

• See advantages of option 2 above. 

• None of the above disadvantages apply.


» 汽车行业REACH工作组建议采用选项3, 以收集所有必要的单独物质或配制品中的物质的注册信息。 

» 由于没有法律义务规定,可将其他要求添加到供应商合同/采购条款中。


» It is the recommendation of TF REACH to use Option 3 in order to collect all necessary information  on the registration of substances on their own or  in mixtures. 

» As there is no legal obligation, you would have to  put additional requirements into your supplier  contracts/purchasing conditions.


To minimise the administrative burden and therewith costs, it is essential to switch to a paperless SDS communication between manufacturers, importers  and downstream users. In order to achieve this, the  automotive industry recommends SDSComXML for the  basic SDS, which is the evolution of the former EDAS  format.


The automotive industry supports the implementation  of SDSComXML interfaces into environmental, health  and safety IT systems, and implementation of the  systems into the whole supply chain.

汽车行业支持将SDSComXML接口实施到环境、健康和安全的IT系统中,并将系统实施到整个供应链中。 请参阅“意见书:汽车行业中SDSComXML 用于安全数据表的电子交换。”

See “Position Paper: Automotive Industry usage of  SDSComXML for the electronic exchange of Safety Data  Sheets”。

