来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-26 | 347 次浏览 | 分享到:

在正常情况下,供应商必须主动地向下游用户提供安全数据表/扩展安全数据表。但如果下游用户未收到供应商提供的安全数据表/扩展安全数据表,下游用户应确认其物质或配制品是否需要安全数据表。在这种情况下,下游用户可要求供应商提供安全数据表/扩展安全数据表,且供应商必须立即提供。(参见第 5.6.2节)。 

Under normal conditions an SDS/Ext-SDS has to be  provided automatically. However in case the DU does  not receive an SDS/Ext-SDS from the supplier he should  check whether an SDS is required for the substance or  mixture. In such cases, he may ask the supplier for the  SDS/Ext-SDS which then has to be provided immediately  (see Chapter 5.6.2).


Upon receipt of an SDS/Ext-SDS, the DU should check:

• 安全数据表是否采用了物质或配制品投放市 场所在成员国的官方语言。只有在有关成员国另有规定时(REACH第31.5条),安全数据表才能采用另一种语言11。请注意,只有接收成员国另有规定才有效;

• 扩展安全数据表是否附有暴露状况或安全使用配制品信息,是否与下游用户的产品用途 一致;

• 安全数据表/扩展安全数据表中的信息对于其工作场所和环境风险评估来说是否足够。

• Whether the SDS is supplied in the official language  of the Member State(s) where the substance or  mixture is placed on the market. Only when the  Member State(s) concerned provide(s) otherwise  (Art. 31.5 REACH) can the SDS be in another language11. It should be noted that it is for the recipient  Member State to provide otherwise. 

• Whether an exposure scenario (ES) or safe use mixtures information (SUMI) is attached to the Ext-SDS  and whether it corresponds to the DU’s use of the  product. 

• Whether the information mentioned in the SDS/ExtSDS is sufficient for workplace and environmental  risk assessment.

安全数据表/扩展安全数据表中的信息对于其工作场所和环境风险评估来说是否足够。 由于下游用户具有工作场所安全的义务,因此应对安全数据表/扩展安全数据表的内容进行大致的真实性检查。尤其应注意以下方面: 

• 分类(包括运输分类)。如果需要其他信息,请联系供应商。 

Due to workplace safety obligations, the DU should  make a short general plausibility check of the SDS/ExtSDS content. In particular attention should be paid to  the following: 

• Classification (including transport classification). If  further information is needed, contact your supplier.



• 第9、11与12部分中的信息与分类的一致性。 

• 风险管理措施的适当性:根据REACH第34 条规定,如果风险管理措施有不当之处,下游用户需向供应商反馈。 

• 识别和应用有效安全风险管理措施所需的其他可用以及相关的物质的信息。


according to Art. 38.4 REACH the DU must report to  ECHA if the classification of a substance is different  to that of the supplier. 

• Consistency between information given in sections  9, 11 and 12 and the classification. 

• Appropriateness of the RMM: according to Art. 34  REACH, the DU needs to report back to the supplier if  they are inappropriate. 

• Any other available and relevant information about  the substance that is necessary to enable appropriate RMMs to be identified and applied.


See Annex Q to this Guideline for more details.

