来源:ECHA官网 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-09-07 | 763 次浏览 | 分享到:



•   SVHC>0.1%,物品的供应商有义务向收货方提供足够的信息以确保物品的安全使用,至少应包含物质名称。
•   应消费者要求,含有>0.1%的SVHC的物品的供应商应在45日内免费向消费者提供足够的信息以确保物品的安全使用,至少应包含物质名称。

•   Directly after a substance is included in the Candidate List, suppliers of articles which contain such a substance in a concentration above 0.1% (weight by weight) have to provide enough information to allow the safe use of the article to the recipients of the article. In this case, recipients are industrial or professional users and distributors, but not consumers. As a minimum the name of the substance in question has to be communicated.
•   Consumers can request similar information. The supplier of the article has to provide this information within 45 days, free of charge.



With the app, consumers will be able to easily check the SVHC content of an article or create a request for SVHC information on any article they are interested in, leading to a substantial increase of information requests to the suppliers of articles.
As an article supplier, you will be able to provide the information on SVHC in your articles to the LIFE AskREACH database through the AskREACH supplier front end. The information will automatically be passed on to every consumer that checks one of your articles via the app. For articles without information in the database, an e-mail request is sent to the supplier each time a consumer asks for the information.

