来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-24 | 347 次浏览 | 分享到:


» 12月1日前纳入授权候选清单的物品中物质的通报(REACH第7.2条)。 

» 欧洲化学品管理局于2011年6月1日前接受通报。 

» 警告:对下游用户的信息要求(REACH第33条)同样适用于授权候选清单中的物质 

By 1 June 2011:

» Notification of substances in articles (Art. 7.2 REACH) which were included  into the CL before 1st December 2010. 

» ECHA will accept notification before the 1st of June 2011. 

» Warning: Information requirements to downstream users (Art. 33 REACH)  apply as of inclusion on the CL


» 物品中物质在纳入授权候选清单后6个月内进行通报 (REACH第7.8条)。 

As of 1 June 2011:

» Notification of substances in articles 6 months after they have been included  in the CL (Art. 7.8 REACH).

2012 2012年5月31日前 

» 下游用户将物质的用途以书面形式通知物质供应商,以确认物质的用途 (REACH第37.3条) 

By 31 May 2012:

» DU to make their use(s) known (in writing) to the substance supplier in order  to make it an identified use (Art. 37.3 REACH)


» 物质必须采用新的CLP安全数据表格式。 

As of 1 December 2012: 

» The use of the new CLP safety data sheet format is obligatory for substances.


» 单独物质、配制品中的物质或物品中有意释放的物质,这些物质的注册 达到每年每位制造商/进口商100-1000吨(REACH第23.2条)。 

» 注册物质的安全数据表应增加所有确认用途的暴露状况(REACH第14条)。 

By 31 May 2013: 

» Registration of substances on their own, in mixtures or intended to be released from  articles in quantities of 100-1000 tpa per manufacturer/importer (Art. 23.2 REACH). » Safety data sheets for registered substances must be extended with exposure scenarios for all identified uses (Art. 14 REACH)


» 配制品必须采用新的CLP标签和安全数据表格式。 

» 指令67/548/EWG与1999/45/EG作废。 

As of 1 June 2015: 

» New CLP labelling and safety data sheet format is obligatory for mixtures.  

» Directives 67/548/EWG and 1999/45/EG are withdrawn.

2017年5月31日前 :

» 下游用户将物质的用途通知(书面形式)物质供应商,以确认物质的用 途(REACH第37.3条) 

By 31 May 2017: 

» DU to make their uses known in writing to the substance supplier in order to make them  identified uses (Art. 37.3 REACH)


» 带有旧CLP标签的库存配制品的过渡期结束。

As of 1 June 2017: 

» End of transition period for mixtures in warehouses with pre-CLP labelling. 


» 单独物质、配制品中的物质或物品中有意释放的物质,这些物质的注册达到每年每位制造商/进口商1-100吨(REACH第23.3条)。 

» 注册物质的安全数据表应增加所有确认用途的暴露状况 (REACH第14条)

By 31 May 2018: 

» Registration of substances on their own, in mixtures or intended to be released from  articles in quantities of 1-100 tpa per manufacturer/importer (Art. 23.3 REACH). » Safety data sheets for registered substances must be extended with exposure scenarios for all identified uses (Art. 14 REACH).

