来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-24 | 643 次浏览 | 分享到:




b)分子量小于相同单体分子量之和。根据本定义,“单体单元”是指聚合物中单体物质的反应形式。例如:聚丙烯、聚酰胺6、聚氯乙烯、聚甲 醛、聚四氟乙烯、三元乙丙橡胶、丁苯橡胶、丁腈橡胶、氯醇橡胶等。


means“a substance consisting of molecules characterised by the sequence of one or more types of monomer units. Such molecules must be distributed over a range of molecular weights wherein differences in the molecular weight are primarily attributable to differences in the number of monomer units A polymer comprises the following: 

a) a simple weight majority of molecules containing at least three monomer units which are covalently bound to at least one other monomer unit or other reactant; 

b)less than a simple weight majority of molecules of the same molecular weight. In the context of this definition a“monomer unit” means the reacted form of a monomer substance in a polymer”(Art. 3.5.  REACH). Example: PP, PA6, PVC, POM, PTFE, EPDM, SBR, NBR,  ECO, etc. 

注:所谓的“不再视为聚合物的物质”(NLP)也存在聚合物在过去不进行报告,因此未包含在欧洲现有商业化学品名录(EINECS)中。在指令67/548/EEC的第7次修订版本(92/32/ EEC)中,对术语聚合物进行了重新定义,导致某些物质不再被视为聚合物(即不再视 为聚合物的物质)。已经编制不再视为聚合物的名录,其中包含自1981年9月18日至1993年10月31日在欧盟市场销售的物质( 根据欧洲现有商业化学品名录(EINECS)的报告原则,满足可视为聚合物的要求,但自92/32/EEC发布后,不再视为聚合物)。 不再视为聚合物的名录仅包含未囊括在欧洲现有商业化学品名录(EINECS)中的物质。该名录并不详尽。请注意,不再视为聚合物的目录中的物质通报以自愿为基础,进行通报的注册者不多,因此,很多表面活性剂既没有EC号也没有NLP号。因此,分配给这些物质的代用EC号以“600”开头。 

NOTE:So-called “no-longer polymers” (NLP) do also exist. Polymers were not reportable in the past and therefore not included in EINECS. In the 7th amendment  (92/32/EEC) to Directive 67/548/EEC the term polymer was further defined with the consequence that some substances ceased being considered as polymers (i.e. no-longer polymers). The NLP list had  been created showing substances having been on the EU market between 18 September 1981 and 31 October 1993 (fulfilling the requirement that they were considered to be polymers under the reporting rules for EINECS but are no longer considered to be polymers as from the 92/32/EEC). The no-longer polymer list contains only substances not included in EINECS. The list is not exhaustive. Please note in this connection that the notification to the NLP list was on a voluntary basis and since there were not many registrants making use of this there are many tensides (surfactants) that have neither an EC nor an NLP number. Therefore dummy EC numbers were allocated to them starting with “600”. https://echa.



Predicted no effect concentration (PNEC):

means the concentration of a substance below which adverse effects in the environmental compartment of concern are not expected to occur.



Printed circuit board assembly (PCBA):

is a printed circuit board (PCB) populated with mounted and/or interconnected electronic components. (A PCB is a printed board used to mechanically support electronic components, and providing both electrical point to point connections and printed components  in a predetermined arrangement, using conductive  pathways, or traces, e.g. etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.)



Producer of an article: 

means “any natural or legal person who makes or assembles an article within the Community”  (Art. 3.4 REACH). Example: Vehicle manufacturer, parts manufacturer  (e.g. engine, component, bolt)

以产品与工艺为导向的研究与开发 (PRORD):


Product and process orientated research  and development (PPORD):

means “any scientific development related to product  development or the further development of a substance,  on its own, in mixtures or in articles in the course of which pilot plant or production trials are used to develop  the production process and/or to test the fields of  application of the substance” (Art. 3.22 REACH).



Recipient of an article:

means “an industrial or professional user, or a distributor, being supplied with an article but does not  include consumers” (Art. 3.35 REACH).

注:在汽车行业,客户可为消费者,也可是物品接收方。如果客户购买不用于任何商务目的的普通车辆,则此客户视为消费者。另一方面,如果客户购买出租车或卡车等商用车或者购买普通车辆供公司车队使用,则此客户视为产品接收方。在销售备件时,客户可以是消费者或专业用户。销售商用车备件时, 一般将客户视为物品接收方而不是消费者。 

NOTE:In the automotive industry, customers can be consumers or recipients of an article. The customer is considered a consumer if he or she buys a regular vehicle which will not be used for any professional business. On the other hand, the customer is regarded as a recipient of an article if he or she  buys a commercial vehicle like a taxi or truck or  buys regular vehicles for company fleet use. When spare parts are sold, customers can be also of both  types, consumers or professional users. When selling spare parts for commercial vehicles the customer is  generally regarded as recipient of an article and not  a consumer.


指“为某物质申请注册的物质制造商或进口商或者物品的制造商或进口商”(REACH第3.7 条)。


means“the manufacturer or the importer of a substance or the producer or importer of an article submitting a registration for a substance” (Art. 3.7 REACH).

