来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-23 | 614 次浏览 | 分享到:

图2.1.2 进口商定义 冰岛、列支敦士登及挪威(为欧洲经济区成员,但不是欧盟成员;瑞士应被认为是出口商)已经实施了REACH,因此这 些国家供应的物质不属于进口物质。

Picture 2.1.2 Importers Definition Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (which are members of the European Economic Area but not European Union Member; Switzerland should be  considered as an exporter) had implemented REACH so that substances supplied from these countries are not considered imports.

进口 :

指“将货品输入欧盟关税区域内”(REACH 第3.10条)

Import :

means“the physical introduction into the customs territory of the Community” (Art. 3.10 REACH).

进口商 :

指“欧盟内负责进口业务的自然人或设立的法人”(REACH第3.11条)。在REACH下,唯 一代表(OR)与进口商具有相同的身份。

Importer :

means“any natural or legal person established within the Community who is responsible for import” (Art. 3.11  REACH). The OR has the same status under REACH as an importer.

有意释放 :

指经过人为计划、对物品具有特定功能但非主要功能的物质的释放。如果释放具有偶然性, 则不属于有意释放。如果物质的有意释放是该物品的主要功能,则物品应视为包含物质/配制品的容器,而不能被认为是含有有意释放物质/配置品的 <物品>

Intended to be released :

means that the release of the substance is deliberately planned and has a specific function for the article which is not its main. If a release is incidental, this is not an intended release. In cases where an intended release of substances is the main function of an object, it is to be regarded as a container withsubstances/mixtures inside but not as an article with intended release of a substance/mixture.

汽车行业有意释放的具体实例清单,参见第 5.8节。

A list of automotive industry specific examples of  intended release is given in Chapter 5.8.


 • 在织物中加入胶水,以提高其加工性能。在后续的织物湿法加工中,胶水被释放。

 • 着火物品中物质释放。

 • 复印机中的臭氧释放。 

 • 轮胎或橡胶带、制动衬片及制动盘、碳刷等释放颗粒或磨屑。

A release is not considered to be an intended release in the following cases: 

 • A size is added to a fabric to improve its process ability. Size is released during further wet processing of  the textile.

 • Release of substances from articles catching fire.

 • Ozone released from copy machines.

 • Release of particles or wear debris from tyres or rubber belts, brake linings and discs, carbon brushes, etc.

中间体 :

指“为化学加工制造的并在化学加工过程中消耗或使用的物质,其目的是将该物质转变为另 一物质”(以下称为“合成”)(REACH第 3.15条)

Intermediate :

means“a substance that is manufactured for and consumed in or used for chemical processing in order to be transformed into another substance” (hereinafter referred to as“synthesis”): (Art. 3.15 REACH):


b)现场分离中间体:指不符合不可分离中间体标准的中间体,且此中间体的制造以及由此 中间体进行的其他物质的合成发生在同一地点,并由一个或多个法人实体实施; 

c) 运送分离中间体:指不符合不可分离中间体标准,且在不同地点间输送或供应的中间体。

a) non-isolated intermediate: means an intermediate that during synthesis is not intentionally removed  (except for sampling) from the equipment in which the synthesis takes place. Such equipment includes the reaction vessel, its ancillary equipment, and any equipment through which the substance(s) pass(es) during a continuous flow or batch process as well as the pipe work for transfer from one vessel to another for the purpose of the next reaction step,  but it excludes tanks or other vessels in which the substance(s) is/are stored after the manufacture; 

b) on-site isolated intermediate: means an intermediate not meeting the criteria of a non-isolated intermediate and where the manufacture of the intermediate and the synthesis of (an)other substance(s) from that intermediate take place on the same site, operated by one or more legal entities;

c) transported isolated intermediate: means an intermediate not meeting the criteria of a non-isolated intermediate and transported between or supplied to other sites.

