来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-23 | 407 次浏览 | 分享到:

环境释放类别(ERCs) :

表示与定向风险评估(ECETOC TRA)等暴露预测工具所用的一系列环境保护参数相关的特定活动类别。环境释放类别表示暴露预测、风险描述(如:通过与预计无影响浓度进行比较)及最大安全使用吨数的计算所用的首选 (I级)方法中各类别的“最差”释放条件。 

Environmental release categories (ERCs)  :

represent certain activity categories linked to a set of conservative environmental parameters to be used in exposure prediction tools like ECETOC TRA.  They represent “worst case” release conditions for each category for a first (Tier I) approach to exposure prediction, risk characterisation (e.g. by comparing to a substance’s PNECs) and calculation of the maximum tonnages that can be safely used.

欧洲经济区(EEA) :


European Economic Area (EEA) :

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway entered into the Agreement with the EU on the European Economic Area (EEA) in 1992 which entered into force in 1994. Therefore, the EEA is composed of Iceland,  Liechtenstein, Norway and the EU Member States.

出口商 :

指负责向欧洲经济区出口货物的所有在欧盟境外的自然人或设立的法人。虽然REACH的法定文本未使用术语“出口商”,但其在汽车行 业REACH指南中仍然非常重要。(另请参见进口商定义) 

Exporter :

means any natural or legal person established outside the Community who is responsible for exporting goods into the EEA. Even if the term“exporter”is not used in the REACH legal text it is important in this Guideline  (see also the definition for importer).

暴露状况 (ES):

指“一系列包括操作条件和风险管理措施的条件状况,其中说明了物质是如何制造,在其使用周期内如何使用,以及制造商或进口商如何控制或建议下游用户控制人类或环境的暴露。 这些暴露状况可能涵盖一个特定的或多个适当的过程或用途”(REACH第3.37条)。 

Exposure scenario (ES) :

means“the set of conditions, including operational conditions and risk management measures that describe how the substance is manufactured or used during its life-cycle and how the manufacturer or importer controls, or recommends downstream users to control exposure to humans and the environment. These exposure scenarios may cover one specific process or use, or several processes or uses as appropriate”  (Art. 3.37 REACH).

扩展安全数据表 (Ext-SDS) :

基本安全数据表包括16个部分(REACH 附件 II)。扩展安全数据表是一个加入了一个或多个暴露状况(ESs)的基本安全数据表,或酌情并入16个部分中,或作为基本安全数据表的附件添加。 配制品的暴露状况不存在,因为混合物本身不受REACH注册的约束,也没有法律要求提供化学品安全报告。 然而,配制品的安全数据表可能附有“安全使用配制品信息”(SUMI),其中几种成分的暴露状况信息被合并。 在以下章节中,无论哪里提及扩展安全数据表或者暴露状况,在适用配制品的情况下,也可以理解为包含安全使用配制品信息。 

Extended safety data sheet (Ext-SDS) :

The basic SDS comprises 16 sections (Annex II REACH).  An extended safety data sheet is a basic SDS that has one or more exposure scenarios (ESs) added, either by integrating into the 16 sections as appropriate, or added as an annex to the basic SDS. Exposure scenario(s) for mixtures do not exist, because mixtures are not themselves subject to REACH registration and no chemical safety report is legally required for them. However, SDSs for mixtures may have attached“Safe Use Mixtures Information”(SUMI), in which the ES information of several ingredients is consolidated. In the following chapters, wherever Ext-SDSs or ESs are mentioned, they can also be understood to include SUMIs where applicable for mixtures.

一般暴露状况(GES) :

REACH法定文本中未定义此术语。在现行欧洲化学品管理局指南中,一般暴露状况是指在相应的工业部门中,物质在典型使用条件下的暴露状况5。一般暴露状况可定义为描述与下游用户尤指中小型企业运营相关的典型使用条件下,相关操作条件(OC)与风险管理措施 (RMM)的单个暴露状况。这表示一般暴露状况的适用物质以物质应用区域为主。因此,下游用户只能选择与物质预期使用部门及物质适用部门相关的一般暴露状况(见ECHA信息要求及化学品安全评估指南)。

Generic exposure scenario (GES) :

This term is not defined in the legal REACH text. In the context of the current ECHA Guidance, a Generic Exposure Scenario means an exposure scenario covering the typical conditions of use for a substance in the corresponding sectors of industry5 . A Generic Exposure Scenario may be defined as a single Exposure Scenario that describes the relevant Operational Conditions (OC) and Risk Management Measures  (RMM) for the typical use conditions relevant to operations for a downstream user sector, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises. This means that the Generic Exposure Scenarios supporting the substance are oriented towards the areas of application of the substance. Thus downstream users only have to select the Generic Exposure Scenarios relevant to the sector for which it is intended and for which the use is supported (see ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment).

指导性文件 :


Guidance document:

 (formerly named RIP – REACH Implementation Project)  provides guidance on the REACH processes and methods, to be used by industry and authorities to facilitate the implementation of REACH by describing good practice on how to fulfil the obligations.These documents have been developed with the participation of stakeholders from industry, Member States and NGOs. Please note that the guidance documents are not legally binding. They can be found at https://echa.

有害物质 :

本术语是指符合法规(欧委)1272/2008 号(物质或配制品的分类、标签和包装,称 为“CLP”)规定的有害标准的物质。本法规的附录I,第2部分至第5部分规定了物质有害性的标准。 

Hazardous substance :

is the term used for a substance that meets the criteria as being hazardous according to Regulation (EC) No1272/2008 (on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, so-called“CLP”). Annex I, parts 2 to 5, there in describe the criteria making a substance hazardous.


指“供应链中行为人对单独物质或配制品中物质的预期使用,包括自身的使用,或其下游用户以书面形式立即告知的使用”(REACH第 3.26条)。 

Identified use: 

means“a use of a substance on its own or in a mixture, that is intended by an actor in the supply chain, including his own use, or that is made known to him in writing by an immediate downstream user”  (Art. 3.26 REACH).

5 除物质的暴露状况外,欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)的指导性文件还描述了配制品的暴露状况。但是,REACH的法定文本中无配制品的暴露状况内容。因此,汽车行业 决定不将“配制品”纳入此定义中。其他信息和解释, 参见汽车行业REACH指南第5.6节。

5 Beside Exposure Scenarios for substances, the ECHA guidance document also describes Exposure Scenarios for mixtures.  However, according to the legal REACH text, there are no Exposure Scenarios for mixtures. The automotive industry therefore decided not to put“mixtures”into this definition. For further information and explanation please see Chapter 5.6.

