来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-09-02 | 596 次浏览 | 分享到:

制造商、进口商、唯一代表或下游用户(可能 包括物质的配制商以及最终用户)可单独或团体为进入市场的附录XIV中的单独物质、配制品中的物质或掺在物品中的物质申请授权。 提交授权申请可以 

• 用于一种或多种用途 

• 一种物质或一组(相似的)

AfA submission windows A manufacturer, importer, OR or DU (who may include  formulators as well as end-users of the substances)  can apply individually or in a group for an authorisation  to place on the market or to use an Annex XIV substance  on its own or in a mixture, or to incorporate the  substance into an article. An AfA can be submitted: 

• for one or several uses 

• for one substance or a group of (similar) substances


Using or placing the substance on the market subject  to authorisation may continue as long as the so called  “sunset date”, has not been reached. The sunset date  is the date after which the placing on the market and  the use of the substance is no longer allowed unless an  authorisation has been granted for the specific use. The sunset date is specified in Annex XIV.

如果在日落日期前至少18个月收到授权请求, 且授权决定未被决定,则即使到了日落期限, 该物质允许继续被使用质,直到有关该授权的决定被做出。 

If the sunset date has been reached, but the request  for an authorisation has been received at least 18  months before this date and the decision to grantthe authorisation is still pending, then the use of that  substance is allowed to continue until a decision about the authorisation has been made (Art. 58.1 REACH).


It is possible to apply after the Latest Application Date  (LAD), but it will be necessary to stop using/placing the  substance on the market after the sunset date, until  your AfA is granted by the Commission.

最迟在您打算提交授权申请前8个月通报欧洲化学品管理局。发送通报时,你应指明物质并提供你将申请授权的物质用途的一般说明。发送通报给:https://comments.echa. Presubmit.aspx 

Notify ECHA, at the latest, eight months before you  intend to submit an application for authorisation.  When sending the notification, you should indicate the substance and provide a general description of the uses for which you will be seeking an authorisation. Send notification to: https://comments.echa.europa. eu/comments_cms/AfA_NotifyAndPresubmit.aspx


There are ‘submission windows’ for AfA that occur  throughout the year. When applicants submit their  applications within these windows, they ensure  that their application will be processed within the  shortest time possible. To ensure that the application  is processed smoothly, it is recommended to submit  the application in one of the windows before the latest  submission window. 

