Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (hereinafter CLP) harmonises the provisions and criteria for the classification and labelling of substances and mixtures within the Community, taking into account the classification criteria and labelling rules of the UN Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The CLP Regulation contributes to the UN GHS aim of describing and communicating the same hazards in the same way around the world.
如果你是欧洲经济区境内的物质制造商,或是向欧洲经济区进口单独物质或配制品中的物质的进口商,你可能需要根据CLP第2篇(第 39-42条)的要求,履行向欧洲化学品管理局进行分类和标签通报的义务。通报信息将被输入到公开的分类和标签清单中,并且信息将能被公众在ECHA网站上获得。 分类和标签清单的通报义务适用于符合以下条件的进口或制造的物质:
• 每年的制造量或进口量大于1吨,因此无论其是否属于有害物质(CLP)都需根据REACH 法规进行注册。
• 在 配制品中的浓度高于C L P附录I或指令 1999/45/EC规定的浓度极限,由于其影响,使配制品符合有害分类标准,且配制品需投放市场。
• 存在于物品中,且根据REACH第7条规定, 需履行注册义务(参见第5.8章的汽车行业 示例)
• 被CLP分类为有害物质并投放市场,无论吨位是多少。
If you are an EEA manufacturer of substances or an importer of substances on their own or in mixtures into the EEA, you might have an obligation to notify the classification and labelling to ECHA according to the requirements of Title 2 (Art. 39 – 42) CLP. The notified information will be entered into the publicly available C&L Inventory and the information will be visible to the public on the ECHA website. The notification obligation to the C&L Inventory applies if a substance that you import or manufacture is:
• > 1 tpa and thus subject to Registration under REACH irrespective of whether or not the substance is hazardous (CLP).
• present in a mixture above the concentration limits specified in Annex I of CLP or as specified in Directive 1999/45/EC, where relevant, which results in the classification of the mixture as hazardous, and where the mixture is placed on the market.
• contained in articles where Art. 7 REACH provides for their registration (check Chapter 5.8 for examples in the automotive industry).
• classified as hazardous under CLP and placed on the market irrespective of the tonnage.
如果供应商于2010年12月1日前提交了包含 CLP分类信息的REACH注册卷宗,则视为已通报分类和标签清单。在这种情况下,无需再进行单独的通报。
if your supplier has submitted a REACH registration dossier which contains the classification according to CLP, then the C&L is considered to be already notified. In that case a separate notification would not be necessary.
A notification is not required if the substance does not meet the criteria of CLP and is imported < 1 tpa.
Under CLP the role of an OR does not exist. Consequently the notification has to be made by importers that are physically importing the products. However, an OR can become an importer even with the import of a sample quantity. In such a case he can, after agreement with the other importers, submit a notification jointly for all importers.
根据REACH规定免于注册的物质可能需要进行分类和标签通报。 例如:生物杀灭剂及植物保护产品中的活性物质、聚合物(如有害,请参见REACH第6.3条)及进口量较小(< 1吨/年)的有害物质。
Certain substances that are exempted from registration under REACH may well be subject to C&L notification. This includes, for example, active substances in biocides and plant protection products, polymers (if hazardous, see Art. 6.3 REACH), and small tonnages (< 1 tpa) of hazardous substances.
CLP第39(b)条适用于所有的有害物质。这包括被分类为具有特定物理有害性且包含在配制品中的物质的通报,将此配置品投放市场 (无论何时)时由于存在此物质,所以应将配制品分类为具有物理有害性的物质。需意的是,配制品的物理有害性等级因导致有害性物质的不同而不同。如有疑问,请咨询专家进行适当判断。
Art. 39.b CLP refers to all hazards. This includes notification of a substance classified for a particular physical hazard and contained in a mixture whenever the mixture is placed on the market and needs to be classified for a physical hazard due to the presence of that substance. It should be noted that the physical hazard class to which the mixture belongs could be different from that of the substance(s) causing the hazard. Expert judgment should be sought in case of doubt.
Timeline General rule: Within one month from placing on the market
更多信息参见以下链接: https://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/ regulations/clp/cl-inventory/notificationto-the-cl-inventory http://echa.europa.eu/documents/ 10162/13643/pg_7_clp_notif_en.pdf (欧洲化学品管理局实用指南7: 如何通报分类和标签清单中的物质)。
For further information see the following links: https://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/regulations/clp/clinventory/notification-to-the-cl-inventory http://echa.europa.eu/documents/10162/13643/pg_7_ clp_notif_en.pdf (ECHA Practical guide 7: How to notify substances in the Classification and Labelling Inventory).