来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-25 | 350 次浏览 | 分享到:


收集REACH注册所需的相关数据需要花费时间很多并且成本很高。公司进口在欧洲经济区以外生产的物质及配制品时更是如此。这些公司必须从物质供应商处收集物质注册所需的数据。应尽量使用已经注册的物质。进口商更愿意与已在欧洲经济区指定唯一代表的非欧洲经济区公司合作。建议尽可能由供应链的最上游行为人实施注册,以最有效的利用技术信息, 避免重复。(物质制造商是供应链中的最上游;汽车原始设备制造商属于供应链的最下游。) 


Collecting the relevant data required for REACH registration is very time consuming and costly. This is  especially true for companies that import substances  and mixtures that are produced outside of the EEA. They  must gather the necessary data required to register the  substance from the substance suppliers. Every attempt  should be made to use substances that are already  registered. Importing companies prefer to cooperate  with non-EEA companies that have already established  an OR in the EEA. It is suggested that registration is  pushed as far upstream in the supply chain as possible  to make the most effective use of technical information  and to avoid duplication. (The substance manufacturer  is the furthest upstream in the supply chain and the  automotive OEM is the furthest downstream.)


•优选项1: 要求非欧洲经济区供应商指定唯一代表及进行注册 

•优选项2: 更换供应商或更换物质/配制品 

•优选项3: 用非欧洲经济区供应商提供的技术数据,履行进口商的注册职责,或请求服务提供商代表你履行此职责

Consequently, the major recommendation of this  Guideline to the non-European suppliers providing products to EEA customers is to establish an OR within the EEA (i.e. for the exporter to assume the obligations  of an importer). Regrettably, this first priority cannot always be adopted. If, for example, suppliers choose  not to or are unable to establish OR in the EEA, further options may be considered and prioritised as follows.

• Priority1: Ask non-EEA supplier to establish an OR and to register  

• Priority2: Change suppliers or substitute the substance/mixture  

• Priority3: Assume registration responsibilities as importer using required technical data provided by  the non-EEA supplier or ask a service provider to act  on your behalf


The order of the priorities, especially priorities 2 and 3,  is not fixed, but depends on company-specific policies  and strategies.

唯一代表申请注册时,还需要提交非欧洲经济区制造商正式指定唯一代表的证明函副本。对于分阶段物质,唯一代表还必须申请预注册, 然后加入物质信息交换论坛(SIEF)。 

When an OR submits a registration, a copy of the letter  of the non-EEA manufacturer(s) officially assigning  the OR is also required. For phase-in substances,  the OR must also pre-register the substance and will  subsequently become a participant of the Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF).


Moreover, an OR will have to keep all up-to-date  available information on quantities imported, the list  of EEA customers of the exporters he represents, and information on the supply of the latest update of the  SDS/Ext-SDS. The non-EEA manufacturer must inform all EEA importers in the same supply chain that a representative in the EEA has been appointed as an  OR, who then becomes legally responsible for the  registration. Nevertheless, it can be anticipated that  in most cases, it will be the non-EEA exporter who will  provide the OR with all necessary data for the dossier. If a non-EEA manufacturer decides to change his OR, the  newly appointed OR can, in agreement with the former OR, update the registration dossier by changing the registrant identity, and if necessary, any other issues  (e.g. change of tonnage band) (Art. 8 REACH).


It is possible that an OR is named for all legally  incorporated or registered entities of an importing  company. In such cases, the legal entity taking over  the role of an OR will carry out the pre-registration/ registration for all other parts of the organisation, which  will then assume the status of DU under REACH.


唯一代表的义务不仅限于注册职责,还包括制造商/进口商的所有其他义务(如:通报 (REACH第7.2条)、信息传递(REACH第 33条)、授权(REACH第56条)、安全数 据表义务(REACH第31条)等)


The OR obligations are not limited to registration duties only but include all other obligations of  manufacturers/importers (e.g. notification (Art.  7.2 REACH), communication (Art. 33 REACH),  authorisation (Art. 56 REACH), SDS obligations  (Art. 31 REACH), etc.)

