来源:上海沐睿 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-08-25 | 301 次浏览 | 分享到:



• 欧洲经济区供应商 

• 非欧洲经济区供应商 

• 设在欧洲经济区以外的自有工厂

Example on how to use the matrix: 

A company has production plants in and outside  Europe. For their European production, they are using  substances, mixtures and articles from different  sources: 

• EEA suppliers 

• Non EEA suppliers 

• Own plants outside EEA

在这个简单的范例中,公司扮演以下REACH 规定的角色10

• 欧洲经济区的物品生产商(在自有工厂内) 

• 向欧洲经济区进口物品的进口商(自欧洲经济区以外的工厂) 

• 配制品的下游用户(来自欧洲经济区的供应 商) 

• 向欧洲经济区进口配制品的进口商(仅适用于供应商在欧洲经济区无唯一代表的情况) 

• 物质的下游用户(来自欧洲经济区的供应商) 

• 向欧洲经济区进口物质的进口商(仅适用于供应商在欧洲经济区无唯一代表的情况) 

Taking into consideration this simple example, the  company would have the following roles under REACH10

• Article producer in the EEA  (In their own plant) 

• Article importer into the EEA  (From their plant outside the EEA) 

• Downstream user of mixtures (From an EEA supplier) 

• Importer of mixtures into the EEA (Only in case that supplier has no Only  Representative in the EEA) 

• Downstream user of substances  (From an EEA supplier) 

• Importer of substances (Only in case that supplier has no Only  Representative in the EEA)


在REACH法规下公司可能承担多个角色。例如,物品制造商也可能是物质或配制品的下游用户或进口商。因此,建议首先确定自己在REACH法规下的角色,然后再找出需要什么信息。要确定你是进口商、生产商还是下游用户等,可能还需要更多指南。 尤其是与物品相关的清单,汽车行业大都已经制定了多种与其他义务相对应的工具 (ELV指令、RRR指令等)。强烈建议采用这些工具(参见第5.9和5.10节)。


A Company might have more than just one role under REACH. An article manufacturer, for example, can also be a downstream user or importer of substances or mixtures. Therefore, it is recommended to first check  your roles under REACH and then to find out what  information will be required. More guidance may be necessary to determine if you are an importer/ producer/DU, etc. Especially for inventories related to articles,  the automotive industry in general has already  established several tools to be compliant with  other obligations (ELV, RRR, etc.). It is of course  recommended to use those tools (see Chapters 5.9 & 5.10).

10 REACH未规定“物品下游用户”的角色,适用术语为“ 物品接收方”。

10 Within REACH, the role of a “downstream user of articles” does not  exist; rather “recipient of articles” is the applicable term.

