来源 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-10-11 | 268 次浏览 | 分享到:

We naturally want COP 26 in Glasgow to be a success. Germany will do its part to make this happen. We also all agree, I think, that the world needs it to be a success. And our climate dialogue today and tomorrow is of course dedicated to precisely this goal.
The Petersberg Climate Dialogue has already become a tradition. I launched it in 2010 after the failure of the Copenhagen conference the previous year. We needed to rebuild trust for new negotiations. I believe that the Petersberg Climate Dialogue has proven effective in this regard and has become integral to international climate policy. My thanks naturally go to Svenja Schulze and the Environment Ministry for all of the preparations.
We have come to speak of climate neutrality as a shared global goal. Progress towards this goal depends on two crucial factors: national ambition on the one hand and international solidarity on the other.
I will begin by saying something about national ambition. All states are called upon to develop new nationally determined contributions and long-term strategies. The European Union has already sent out a clear message. By 2030, we want to reduce our CO2 emissions by at least 55 percent as against 1990.
Many other states have also announced that they will be increasing their national contributions to climate change mitigation. For example, President Biden recently introduced a new 2030 target for the US. Boris Johnson has set the United Kingdom an ambitious goal for 2035. Canada and Japan have also defined new goals which make it clear that they are ready to do more. It would be good, if I may be perfectly honest, if we could all agree on comparable figures as a basis for our goals, because we currently have such a confusing array of different years as starting points and target dates that it is impossible to compare them without a conversion table on hand.
In Germany, we have mapped out our route to climate neutrality with the Federal Climate Change Act. We are working hard to implement this act, for example by phasing out coal and further expanding renewables. We plan to continue developing and fleshing out these goals. As Svenja Schulze has already mentioned, the Federal Constitutional Court has issued a ground-breaking ruling which requires us to give greater consideration to intergenerational equity in our climate change mitigation efforts and to map out the path to climate neutrality in greater detail. We will therefore raise our national reduction target for 2030 by ten percent, to 65%, and will aim to be climate neutral as soon as 2045. This means that we will have to modify our sector-specific targets. But we are not contenting ourselves with just an agreement on objectives. Our Climate Change Act stipulates that, if progress is insufficient, an immediate action programme will be initiated to allow us to meet the targets.
In the interests of future generations around the world, it is essential that we act rapidly and resolutely to limit the dramatic effects of global warming. The EU, too, has chosen to use legislation to establish its new climate goal for 2030 and its goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 as binding benchmarks. The Commission will present proposals for implementation in the summer. We may then have to adjust our national programmes once more to align them with the European Union’s methodology.
I believe carbon pricing to be a particularly suitable steering instrument. The EU emissions trading system has shown that this works in the field of energy. It thus makes sense to expand it to other sectors such as heating and transport. In Germany, we have already done precisely this. Looking at the timescale, we want to enable market mechanisms to have an effect as soon as possible. In my view, it would be highly desirable to have carbon pricing at a global level, too. This would have to be established step by step, of course. I would like to encourage you to promote this market-oriented and thus highly efficient instrument which will help smooth our shared path to climate neutrality. Pricing is, of course, an approach which we can use to give all technologies a chance.
Of course, the starting point for effective national climate change mitigation measures is not the same everywhere; in fact, it varies significantly. But we are reliant on everyone to do their part. That is, we need international solidarity – not only in the reduction of emissions through technology transfer, for example, but in particular when it comes to climate adaptation and resilience. With the global NDC partnership and with InsuResilience, the global partnership for insuring climate risks, Germany has helped launch important initiatives in this field.
Industrialised countries had previously pledged to mobilise an annual sum of 100 billion US dollars from public and private funds up until 2020 to finance climate action. And we had also agreed to extend this target until 2025. However, the latest OECD figures for 2018 show that we must do more if we are to keep our promise.
Germany has gone above and beyond its own promise to double its public funding to four billion euro by 2020; this sum reached over 4.3 billion euro the previous year. We also provide significant funding via development and promotional loans. The total German contribution from all sources – public and private – was almost 7.6 billion euro in 2019, and on a similar level in 2020. I believe this is a fair contribution on the part of Germany.
But we must now also look to the future, because we must continue our international efforts. The need for financing in developing countries in particular is enormous. I thus second what Boris Johnson has just said. At the next COP in Glasgow, we must discuss a new financing target for the period from 2025. The new target should also send out a clear message. Instead of new fossil fuel power plants, renewable energies should be funded – around the world. Germany is prepared to make a fair contribution to a new financing target for the years after 2025, too.
I spoke with Boris Johnson yesterday and we agreed that we want to do everything we can, together, to make progress on this goal and ensure that the COP in Glasgow is a success. This includes private investors around the world investing in climate change mitigation. There is no doubt that significantly more private capital must be mobilised if we are to move closer to climate neutrality. Of course, we also need to see major progress across the different industries, and this progress will primarily be achieved when it becomes very clear that climate change mitigation is financially viable. E-mobility, photovoltaics and green hydrogen are examples of modern technologies which are becoming increasingly significant in this context.
The UK COP Presidency has launched campaigns surrounding these issues. I would like to thank Prime Minister Johnson most sincerely for these efforts. I expressly support your commitment to making climate change mitigation one focus of your G7 presidency. The G7 summit in Cornwall should send out a clear message in favour of protecting the climate and biodiversity. Finally, we also want to make this year’s COP in Kunming a success for biodiversity. One crucial element of this is the protection of our rainforests and oceans, an area where progress must be made. Protecting biodiversity will, not least, help to reduce the likelihood of future pandemics. Germany makes a major contribution to these efforts, providing 500 million euro per year.
It is true that protecting the climate and biodiversity requires a great deal of work and investment. But it is also true that failing to ensure this protection, or sufficient protection, would entail far higher costs – not just financial costs, but those caused by the loss of living space and habitats, essential resources and human lives. We have come together for this 12th Petersberg Climate Dialogue because we are united by the goal of keeping the promises made with the Paris Agreement, and of limiting climate change so that future generations can enjoy a life worth living and the rights and freedoms to choose how they live on our Earth. To reach this goal we must act today, and act ambitiously. At the same time, we must act together and in a spirit of solidarity. Thank you all for doing your part.

彼得斯堡气候对话已经成为一项传统。2010年,在哥本哈根会议失败后,我启动了它。我们需要为新的谈判重建信任。我认为,彼得斯堡气候对话在这方面是有效的,已成为国际气候政策的组成部分。当然,我要感谢Svenja Schulze和环境部所做的所有准备工作。
在德国,我们已经通过《联邦气候变化法案》制定了实现气候中立的路线。我们正在努力实施这一法案,例如逐步淘汰煤炭,进一步扩大可再生能源。我们计划继续发展和充实这些目标。正如Svenja Schulze已经提到的,联邦宪法法院已经发布了一项开创性的裁决,要求我们在减缓气候变化的努力中更多地考虑代际公平,并更详细地规划出气候中性的路径。因此,我们将把2030年的国家减排目标提高10%,至65%,并力争最早在2045年实现气候中和。这意味着我们将不得不修改特定行业的目标。但我们不会满足于仅仅就目标达成协议。我们的气候变化法案规定,如果进展不充分,将立即启动行动计划,使我们能够实现这些目标。
昨天,我与鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)进行了交谈,我们一致认为,我们希望尽我们所能共同努力,在这一目标上取得进展,确保在格拉斯哥举行的COP会议取得成功。这包括世界各地的私人投资者投资减缓气候变化。毫无疑问,如果我们要更接近气候中立,就必须动员更多的私人资本。当然,我们也需要看到不同行业的重大进展,而这一进展将主要在气候变化减缓在财政上可行的情况下实现。电动迁移、光伏和绿色氢是现代技术的例子,这些技术在这方面正变得越来越重要。
的确,保护气候和生物多样性需要大量的工作和投资。但同样不可否认的是,如果不能确保这种保护或充分的保护,将会带来高得多的成本——不仅是财政成本,还有生活空间和栖息地、基本资源和人类生命损失所造成的成本。这12 Petersberg气候对话我们聚在一起,因为我们是曼联的目标保持巴黎协定的承诺,并限制气候变化,以便将来的人能够享受生活的价值和权利和自由选择如何生活在地球。为了实现这一目标,我们必须今天就行动起来,并且雄心勃勃地行动起来。与此同时,我们必须本着团结一致的精神共同行动。谢谢大家的努力。



