来源 | 作者:沐睿环境-莉哥 | 发布时间: 2021-10-11 | 202 次浏览 | 分享到:

Gas crunch: market and policy causes, and lessons learned
Andrei Belyi at the University of Eastern Finland says there are three main causes behind the huge rise in European gas prices. Everyone already understands that the reversal of the previous gas glut that gave us such low prices has been caused by a decline in European gas production, LNG imports and Russian gas deliveries. Added to that is the utilities’ reliance on spot contracts rather than termed contracts – great when prices were low – that means even though the gas exists it’s tied to rising prices. Finally, the rising carbon price at a time when inter-fuel competition (e.g. from intermittent and therefore unreliable wind and solar) is weak and cannot provide an alternative to fossil fuels. Belyi goes into the details and the numbers, as well as reviewing the politics (Russia, Nord Stream 2, Ukraine). He ends with his four conclusions: develop a pro-LNG strategy; reduce the over-reliance on spot contracts; improve information flows (i.e. supply, risks); pursue total system reliability to avoid shortages and ensure genuine inter-fuel competition.
Debates surrounding the new energy crisis are heating up as the spot gas price achieves new records. What could have gone wrong? Commodity markets are cyclic, therefore, supply volumes and storage capacity periodically change. High commodity prices are cured by increased competition, while low commodity prices are cured by a reduction in investment activities.
In normal market conditions characterised by inter-fuel and inter-company competition, gas price hikes would not have affected energy systems overall. Previous gas price hikes occurred between 2007 and 2008 as well as between 2011 and 2014, but without reaching the current record highs. Instead, since the commodity crisis of 2015-16, the world saw a glut in hydrocarbon markets. Since then, oil prices have stabilised due to OPEC+ agreements, while gas prices have experienced an almost persistent ‘low price season’. But market trends reversed, generating unprecedented pressure on energy systems.




